Friday, September 2, 2016

A Square or a Triangle? A square!!

Right from the time I was pregnant the second time to this day I am either asked why I dared to take the step again or I am praised and patted to have taken it up! That got me thinking. Why is it so hard for people to digest that a second baby does not always happen by mistake and can be a dream come true. I think having two kids is the best decision of my life. To come to that conclusion I don't need to wait for my kids to grow up. I know it for sure today itself. There are pretty solid reasons for believing this.
One. Since My little one (A) has arrived my first born(E) has suddenly acquired a sense of responsibility. He is on the run when it comes to the little tasks like bringing the diaper or calling me out when A cries. He doesn't need to be told to share. He insists that baby use all his toys and clothes. I have to assure him that once A grows up he will definitely share. He is a huge help when I massage and bathe A. He doesn't mind even if A pees on him. He has learnt to care and love more than he did before. I am sure they will have arguments and fights as they grow up, but that will make their growing up years more memorable. They will cherish their childhood together.
Two. Both of them will have a friend in each other for a lifetime. That's a mighty good reason.
Three. A family always has its own fun stories, moments of joy and sorrow, that incident when one of them had fallen off the stairs or how one of them  had a terrible haircut. Such and many more such little things are part of a happy close-nit family. When together, these memories are often talked about and laughed or cried at. My kids will always have each other to travel down the memory lane even when we wont be around. They will always have family around in each other's presence.
Four. They will always have someone to talk about stuff they might not be able to talk to us or anyone else. Including complaints about us.
The best gift that my parents ever gave me is my brother. That sums it up.
Definitely a square!

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