Friday, September 2, 2016

Routine today but memories tomorrow

Throughout the day as I shout at E for the tenth time and calm A for a "no reason" cry I get exhausted. I have to repeat a certain instruction at least four times before Evan questions me back. Then I have to prove to him that I am right in telling him to do that particular thing , even then he will try to find an excuse to postpone it. A is turning into a mischievous baby too. He wants exactly the same toy that E is holding. Not a similar looking one. Not a better looking one. But the same thing. He frowns to let us know that he wants the toy at any cost. If we don't attend to him, he cries so loudly that eventually we have to give it to him by persuading Evan to play with something else. This happens everyday, god knows how many times. But on the other hand, A's face cannot turn happier when he is looking at E's histrionics. When E claps he joins in with joy, when E screams in a particular way, he imitates him exactly. The bond they share is just so organic. Totally effortless and pure. As I look at them at their best and their worst, the thought that knocks my mind is only this : they will grow up real soon! They will turn into these gorgeous and handsome boys with beard sprouting from their now soft chin. Their sweet warm voices will change into more mature versions. My little boys will become young men. They will not jump on the sofa like they do, they will not scream or make noise at noon, they will not bombard me with questions, they will not let me kiss them whenever I want to, they will outgrow my arms, they will grow taller than me and the most excruciating thing of all is that their life won't revolve around me.
No matter how tired I am to feed A at midnight, no matter how sleepy I am to tell E a story I should do it with a smile on my face. Because out of all the things that I will ever miss, these would definitely top the list. Life should be lived in phases, agreed. But each phase should be lived in such a way that you have many many beautiful memories to carry further.
Also, I  believe that experiences should always be penned down, that let's you live them a million times.

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